We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be. ~May Sarton

from my bookshelf

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Such a weekend!

First off, bronchitis sucks! I haven't had this in years and I will be happy for it to go away anytime now. I must have picked it up in Chicago, and truth to tell, today is the first day that I feel like I am getting back to normal. Icky!

So, the weekend was fun, if not jammy-packed with stuff to do. S----, M---- and I went out to dinner at Olga's and to World Market (for more chocolate...) and then went to see Spider-Man 3, which was incredibly disappointing. There was so much potential for a great film, but the entire thing was just so contrived. It was about 1/2 hour too long, and while the action scenes were impressive, the overall feel for the movie left me remembering how good the second film was and really how disappointing this one was in comparison. I hope that if they decide to make a 4th installment that they look at the 2 films and see what worked so well for the second film.

That night, I went down to Mom's house to stay the night so that I could mow the lawn in the AM, but by the morning, I felt so bad, that Mom and M---- decided that I needed to go home and sleep the rest of the day, which is exactly what I did!

Sunday, I got up and drove back to Mom's house and had breakfast, and then M---- and I mowed the lawn. After that, we decided that we needed to do something fun, so we all jumped in the car and drove to Frankenmuth. We stopped off at Bronner's and then had dinner at Zehnder's. After that, we wandered downstairs to the little shops underneath Zehnder's and then we went to that quaint store next door (Rapunzel's?... the name always escapes me), and Mom bought each of us a silver ring, as we each had our eye on a particular ring. We drove back to Eaton Rapids, and M---- helped me re-pot the plants at the office, and then I drove back to Lansing.


Yesterday, B---, S---- and I took a walk on the River Trail and then S---- stayed over for dinner and we watched the season finale of Heroes. It was good. I'm hoping that they don't do to this series like what they did to Surface, and rewrite the ending of the series into an ending for a season, and then never bring it back.

Tonight, I have nothing planned, and I'm looking forward to it! I think I'm going to head out for a walk, and then I think I'll clean out my bag, finish organizing my new shelves, take the boxes downstairs, vacuum, clean the cat box, sort my laundry, make dinner... Ha! so much for having "nothing planned"!

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