We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be. ~May Sarton

from my bookshelf

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A little exercise = better mood

I guess it is true what they say about exercise and mood improvement. S---- and I played a little tennis tonight (actually I ended up playing with this other guy too, who doesn't live here, but stops by with his girlfriend to play). I have been in such an awful mood lately, but as of right now, I'm not quite feeling like the total waste of a person that I have been lately, which I would have to assume is a Good Thing (TM Martha).

I finished Many Waters the other night, and have now started An Acceptable Time. I need to finish it quickly, as I'm afraid I'm beginning to loose interest in the series, and having made it to the last book, would hate to give up on it now!

Stopped by Hobby Lobby to pick up some tracing paper so that I can continue working on C---'s logo, and picked up some grey-toned paper, and discovered it was all bent at the bottom of the pad (how I missed that is beyond me) so now I have to stop back over there tomorrow to see if they will replace it for me. Such a waste of time.

B--- cooked up the chicken for the taco salads tonight while S---- and I were outside, so that was a nice treat! Need to decide what to do for dinner tomorrow night now.

There's not really a whole lot to say. I felt the need to type something in here because it's been all about the photos lately.

Off to bed now.

Good night.

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